Together with various organizers and venues, I periodically offer a number of different workshops. Please contact me if you want to host a workshop, or would like to know more.


Workshop: What is Space?
IAK Braunschweig Hall

(and how can I make some?)

In this workshop we  explore concepts of space and how we experience and express space.
Many of my ideas  focus on audio-art, however visual artists, architects, dancers, poets, actors, or gymnasts are explicitly  welcome to participate, since the idea of trans-medial spaces is one of the things we want to understand.

We   discuss what space is, and I  mention a number of examples of unexpected uses of space.  We  then discuss how  we experience and conceptualize the notion of space? What do concepts like extension and localization mean?  What kinds of strategies can we develop as artists in expressing a space, using a space, creating a space? What are some common spatialization techniques? Can we as a workshop  group come up with novel ways of expressing or using space? What is a sound space? What is a visual space? What is a conceptual space. What is a mathematical space? What is a personal space, a joy space, a disgusting space? etc.

In the remaining time,  we  try to develop work methods concerning space, and individually or in groups try to sketch out an art or music work which utilizes our new ideas and methods. We  reconvene periodically to discuss what we have discovered or what kinds of problems we have encountered. We  try to sensitize ourselves to aspects of experiencing space that we may not have paid much attention to before, and we will try to find ways of expressing these aspects effectively in our art works.

At the end of the workshop, we  invite the public to experience our experiments, and we  perform, exhibit, or simply interactively explain where we have arrived in the workshop. If we arrive at nothing, we  have a public discussion.

Workshop: Introduction to Drupal

Drupal is an extremely powerful, highly configurable, web content management system (CMS), which has gained popularity, particularly among artists, because of its flexibility and ease of use. More accurately, it is a framework with which you can realize anything from websites, blogs, to complex web applications.

In this Beginners Workshop, everyone will try to build a small website on their own laptop. We will cover:

  • How to install Drupal on your Laptop.
  • The most important modules to use and how to install them.
  • How to use the backend and how to make custom page types and add fields.
  • Where to find themes, and how to install them
  • The basics of theming: modifying and customizing existing themes.
  • Introduction to Drupal hooks.
  • How to deploy your website, and what kind of an internet provider do will need.
  • Where to find documentation and help

You should have some HTML and CSS experience, and some basic programming knowledge (know what a variable, an array, a loop, and what a function is). Drupal is written in PHP, but it will not be necessary to actually know PHP in advance. You only need some basics in PHP for theming, and I will teach you those.

Workshop: Introduction To SuperCollider

A beginners worshop in this powerfull music and sound-synthesis programming language.

We cover all the basice neccessary to get you started making sounds and playing them.

Workshop: Introduction to the SuperCollider GUI

level: beginner / intermdiate

This workshop will take you through all the important basics of SuperCollider GUI Programming.

In 2 x 4 hours, I will lead the participants through the basics of SC GUI Programming.

1. Introduction. GUI kits.
2. View, the parent of most GUI objects.
3. The basics of windows, views, and their coordinates.
4. The basics of getting and setting values on the sever via GUI.
5. Mapping values.
6. EZ GUIs, and auto GUIs.
7. Mouse and Key events.
8. Basics of draw hooks.
9. GUI Programming Structures.
10. Custom GUIs with UserView.

You should have a little SuperCollider Programming experience already.